Let's predict today's fortune.
Overall Luck: ---pt
Business/Study Luck: ---pt
◆Word of the day ~proverb~
How are you today?
【Description】Fortune-telling game
1,This is a "game" of fortune telling.
2,The fortune telling items are "Money luck", "Love luck", "Business or Study Luck", and "Overall luck".
3,"Money luck", "Love luck", "Business or Study Luck" are each displayed individually with 0 to 100 points. "Overall luck" represents the average score of these three scores.
4,The number of ★ is as follows. 1 star for 0-19 points, 2 stars for 20-39 points, 3 stars for 40-59 points, 4 stars for 60-79 points, 5 stars for 80-100 points.
5,Also, a proverb will be displayed as the word of the day.
6,The results are simply a display of data extracted randomly by a computer based on probability.
7,Therefore, you cannot know the correct fortune.
8,Please enjoy it as a "game".